Devenir partenaire de la formation Salesforce
Your company wants to help promote diversity and inclusion in ICT?
Join us as a partner on the Salesforce Admin training!
The war on talent
Finding, training and hiring Salesforce talents in the market is not easy. However, the ecosystem is growing, and probably you are too.
If you are a Salesforce customer or implementation partner, you may be looking for talents to support your growth.
Moreover, diversity and inclusion are major challenges to undertake. Women in Salesforce are too scarce.
We have a solution.
We are looking for
Enthusiastic partners who share our passion for Women in Tech and who are willing to invest in our program by offering 8 weeks of internship (3 days per week) to our students.
Do you want to do even more? Contact us!
We created the “Wahine Salesforce” program. Wahine means “feminine”. It’s a women-first program, enabling talents to convert into the Salesforce ecosystem. By the end of the 12 weeks, our students will:
• Pass their Salesforce Admin Certification
• Present a Salesforce project (incl. demo) in front of a jury
• Have acquired a basic understanding of CRM business processes, the Salesforce ecosystem and product suite and the Hybrid Agile project methodology
• Have acquired the needed autonomy to find solutions to business challenges, and to be able to continue their Salesforce training path
• Feel empowered and confident working in IT
1. Future Salesforce talents
You will contribute to the conversion of new talent into the ecosystem and you will be on the first row to discover our students. Learning about their stories, values and aspirations will confirm if you share the same vision on work and corporate values.
2. Collaboration
Being a partner to the program also gives you bandwidth with the students to present your company. (Optional: a customer case, and train them on specific topics like methodology)
3. Visibility
You will be mentioned as a partner of the program on all communications, social media and GIRLEEK web pages. You will be able to use the GIRLEEK logo on your own social media and communications.
4. Diversity
In Belgium, women represent only 18.2% of ICT specialists. This under-representation of women in sectors that are already in great shortage constitutes, among other things, a real economic and societal problem. We target them and help you diversify your team.